Sunday, March 18, 2012

What's a Mockumentary?

Mockumentary may sound like another made up word for my blog, but the Oxford English Dictionary would beg to differ. The term is used to describe a film or television show that is shot in a documentary format but is fictional. Does this sound familiar? It may or may not. Today, although it's still not being used very often, more and more films and TV are using this. Kind of.

In terms of film, examples of mockumentaries include the Blair Witch Project and the more recent Paranormal Activity. Both did actually very well in the box office, the former more than the latter. What does this have to do with anything? Well, there are actually some very popular TV shows these days that have taken up with format. What shows are these you might ask? There are two that come to mind, The Office and Parks and Recreation. 

I don't know if you've noticed, but the famed office of Dunder Mifflin is shot in a mockumentary style. It's true. As we watch the comedic scenarios that the office experiences, we view it as if it was shot in a real office.  When Jim looks up at us with his face that questions someone's sanity, or we see Dwight's view of a situation through an "interview", mockumentary style made the show so much different from all the others. Can you imagine if The Office wasn't this kind of style? Would it have been as successful? In all honesty, I think it would've been. It has a great cast and great writers that probably would've enabled to be pretty successful. But being a mockumentary really pushed it over the edge. It was a new kind of TV that wasn't the typical situational comedy.

Of course when something is successful, everyone else wants to copy it.  After The Office became a big hit, there was a big rush to find the next one.  From this came one of my favorite shows, Parks and Recreation. I know what you're thinking.. how could you like something that was copied off of something else? And yes, I would usually think the same thing.  But the fact is, the creation of Parks and Rec. may have kind of copying, but the show itself is nothing like The Office.  It is totally different show. The comedy, atmosphere, characters, everything is different. Did I really just say the atmosphere? Anyway,  I feel like Parks and Rec. is a show that is less known for being a mockumentary. In fact, when I started watching the show, I didn't even realize it was until I was reading about the show on Wikipedia one day.

The style of mockumentary is opening up new and creative doors for shows.  It's something that can definitely be expected to continue be used in the future because of its current success. Whether it's scary movies, or innovative new comedies, I can't wait to see the next mockumentary.

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