Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mid-Season Premiere: GCB

GCB? Does that stand for "god can I barf?" Okay, so I do know that GCB stands for Good Christian B****es (thanks mom and dad for explaining... I feel hip). I also know that this show WILL be awful. So maybe I haven't seen, so I probably shouldn't judge. But just from seeing the commercials, I really don't want to see with show.  Here's why.

First of all, it stars Kristen Chenoweth, which really disappointing me. I love her! I mean come on, she's in Wicked, one of the best musicals ever. Plus she's won numerous award, so why would this be a bad thing? Because I know she could be doing something way better. She obviously has the talent, and yet she is in some crappy new ABC show. Does anyone else find it awkward to watch someone that is really talented in something that sucks? I do.

You many think I don't have the right to call it crappy considering I haven't seen the show yet, but watch this.

There is literally so much I can say from justs watching this promo. One element of this show that really bothers me is how Christianity is incorporated. It sets itself up for failure. Those who are not Christians probably don't want to watch a show that keeps emphasizing the religion, and those who are Christians would most likely be offended as to how this show makes fun of them.  I'm not saying that we can't make fun of Christians or any other religion once and awhile (within good reason), but the way GCB sets it up is not funny, it's rude.

I also get the feeling that GCB is meant to replace the long running show that died a while ago, Desperate Housewives. Although the shows have quite different characters and story lines, their premises are quite similar. Both shows are set around middle-aged women who get into way too much drama. Like, high school, but in obnoxiously wealthy neighborhood. ABC was probably thinking "Hey! We can't lose these viewers to the next Real Housewives, let's make a worse more offensive version!" And I mean, honestly, who's going to watch this? Men are obviously out of this equation. With Desperate Housewives, at least in the beginning, there was viewership from both genders, but GCB has no chance of gaining this popularity.

To end my rant I will just say, if a show about catty middle-aged women who claim to be "good Christians" interests you, go ahead and watch GCB.  There are so many shows that I would rather watch.

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