Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Weekly Wonders: Parks & Recreation

I recently realized that I never completed an official Weekly Wonder post for one of my favorite shows called Parks and Recreation. This may be a little redundant because I talk about this show so frequently on my blog, but in all honesty I feel I must formally express my love. Sound cheesy yet? Just wait.

Parks and Recreation, as I mentioned in one my first ever blog posts The Emmy Awards, is growing in popularity but many people still don’t really know what it is. I’m here to inform those who don’t. Parks and Rec. is based around a government office that organizes the city Pawnee’s various events and creates parks and other city locations for the public.  How is this interesting? The characters.  The main character is Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler. She is one of leaders of the department and is, let’s face it, kind of crazy. But in a cute and funny way.  Knope is very addicted to her job, and is determined to one day be elected into city council and much later become the first woman president.   

The top leader and director of the department is Ron Swanson, a very funny and interesting character. It’s kind of hard to explain Swanson because he ultimately believes in little to no government and is way too manly for his own good, but deep down when he’s pretending to not care about the other employees, he really does.  He also secretly plays a mean saxophone. Just one of many hilarious secrets he hides from the others.

All the other characters are all unique and fun to see develop. The young married couple April and Andy. They both always act immature and goofy, also April is always acting kind mean and not-caring to everyone else except for Knope, with an oblivious attitude, and Swanson.  This may sound annoying, but it’s honestly just too hard to explain. 

Don’t worry there are many more characters to talk about.  Tom, who is always offending someone, but in a nice way. That doesn’t make sense does it… Tom doesn’t really ever make sense.  And there is Ann Perkins, who is Leslie’s best friend and helps out with various Parks activities.  Plus Jerry who is always viewed as the weakest link of the group and accepts it, Donna who is just funny and strange, Chris as an overly optimistic and healthy government official who addresses everyone by their first and last name and says “lit’rally” before every other sentence, and finally Ben who is Leslie’s love interest and campaign manager.

So many characters, how do you keep track of them all? Well, obviously it’s hard when you haven’t seen the show. Once you start watching it, it will all click. The parks department, although functioning more efficiently than you think, is crazy and fun at the same time.  Currently this season, Knope is running for city council and has the whole office working on her campaign. Of course, in every episode something new that hurts Leslie's campaign occurs. Whether its a drunken interview, love scandal with her campaign manager, or a wealthy running opponent who buys out votes, Leslie is constantly working hard for the election. Here's one of my favorite moments, an awkward campaign rally in an ice skating rink. Click here to see the video!

Parks and Recreation is one of my favorite shows for two reasons. One, because it has really awesome characters. In fact each one is so unique, they all make me laugh. And of course secondly the writing is so good.  The first season I was skeptical of the show, but as they gained momentum the writing has gotten better and better, making the show so good and so enjoyable.  Check out Parks and Rec. on NBC Thursdays at 8:30. Plus it's also on Netflix, so no excuses!

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