Monday, May 14, 2012

House Finale

Next Monday, House will end forever. Not for a short hiatus, not a season finale. The end of the show will be airing next Monday. I have already posted two blog posts on this subject, discussing my acceptance for this end. Check out Letting Go... and Saying Good-bye. Yes all of these titles are very vague, it's more of me trying to be subtle. Not because I'm totally awful at naming blog posts...ha. ha.

So House is ending and I'm not caught up at all. I tried to last Friday, mostly because I needed a break from the acne-ridden stress that has accumulated from AP tests, but I only got through one episode before falling asleep. Not because it was boring! Ok, it might have been a little. But mostly because of my recent obsessive studying. It's really bad when you're not caught up with the last season of a show, mostly because when you innocently click on a video or webpage talking about the season finale, they give away important details. On Facebook I clicked on this video to get myself hyped up for the finale, only to watch a few seconds because I had to quickly click out when House revealed that *spoiler alert* something bad is happening to Wilson. Here's the video. Watch only if you're caught up!! I have no idea if this is actually a good video though, I've only seen about one second.

Even though the show is going downhill, the finale will be amazing. House finales are always amazing. Remember in season 2 House got shot? Or 4 (my favorite) when Wilson's girlfriend Amber and House get in a huge bus accident? Or what about season 5 when House is detoxing from Vicodin but realizes at the end he was hallucinating the whole episode? The list of great episodes, finales or not, goes on and on.

I realize it's sad to say, but I will really miss this show. The days I would come to school Monday mornings, happy because there was a new episode of House on. Or the nights my mom would buy me a big bar of chocolate from the store and I would sit watching House with a warm laptop on my thighs, answering trivia questions as I watched in amazement. Even holidays were spent with my family sitting down and watching House marathons on USA. Or the many times I would enthusiastically talk about the show to my friends who could care less but still pretended to to be somewhat interested (true friendship right there!).

This show has really made an impact on my life. It sounds corny, but it's true. I wouldn't know random diseases, or what Vicodin was, or how incredibly painful and life-altering a drug addiction can be. It showed me how sacred friendship was. How medicine has a huge impact over our lives. Probably the biggest lessons I learned: everybody lies. It may sound depressing, but it's a realization that we all must make. Once we realize this, we can stop lying to others and be true to ourselves. House, although someone who probably let's his true self shine too much, is an example of someone who isn't afraid to be himself. To show his true self. His personality affects all the relationships he has ever had, but because of this he knows that Wilson and anyone else who cares about him truly does care about him. That genuiness is important, and I would never have realized how important it really was without this show.

So I just want to say thank you. Thank you to all who made House possible. You entertained me, taught me, and ultimately got me obsessed with a show drenched in quality. I'll miss you and I hope to see wonderful things from everyone who made this show possible. Especially Hugh Laurie, I cannot wait to see what he does next. It won't be a genius doctor who is a jerk to everyone else, but I know it will be amazing. Good-bye House. I can't believe I'm finally saying this. But, this is my final good-bye.

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