Saturday, February 4, 2012

Letting Go...

During my middle school and early high school years whenever someone asked me what my favorite TV show was, I would immediately answer House.  If you've never seen or heard of this show, in my post My Weekly Wonders: House I explained what it is about and why I love i so much. But it was more than just a show I would look forward to each week. No, this was an obsession.  I watched episodes over and over; on the internet, on channels like USA and Bravo, and on my DVDs that I accumulated over the years.  House is currently on its eighth and possibly final season, and I have found myself okay with this. Why can I accept an ending to a show I have fell so deeply in love with? Let's start with how this addiction began in the first place.

When I first heard of House I wasn't interested.  Commercials of this already successful show at the time portrayed him as a very rude, narcissistic, and not very interesting doctor. Most of this was true except the fact that he wasn't interesting. Once you begin watching the show you find him to be totally the opposite. He is completely intriguing and the way he presents himself is so complex you are always questioning what exactly his motivations are. Anyway, I watched USA a lot to watch Law and Order and other good shows on the channel, but I always hated when they showed House.  I just never bothered to make an effort to like the show.  I'm not sure what the sequence of events were but my mom began watching the show and I slowly began to watch more and more of it with her. She began to like it a lot more than I did at first and even got a DVD for Christmas from my dad.  I started watching the DVD and watching reruns on TV whenever I could and soon I was gaining more and more love for the show.  The mixture of crazy medical mysteries, all of the interesting situations House and his team gets in, and House's reoccurring problems with his addiction to Vicodin due to the terrible pains he gets in his leg, all make up a show that is hard to not to like.

So the addiction to House began, maybe not as bad as the dependence he had to the pain killer, but the show did consume many many many hours of my life.  When I look back on it, it's kind of funny how obsessed I truly was.  On my Facebook timeline I found at least fifteen status updates just informing the world that I was watching show or that I was obsessed with it... yeah I was really cool back then.  Oh and every Monday when the show put out a new episode? For a year or so I played a game on the internet while watching that asked questions about both the show in general and very specific questions about the episode myself and the other players were watching currently.  It was actually really fun, some of them you had to predict what would happen in the show like if they would call for a doctor in the first scene or when in the show we would first see blood.

Flash forward a few years to the later years of my high school year.  I don't have as much time to watch television, and frankly I have lost the obsessive interest that I used to have for the show.  Of course I still follow the show, I mean who wouldn't? It's genius! But it's currently on it's eighth season. Not only that but there have been many cast changes, some major ones include characters such as Cameron, Thirteen, and the beloved Dean of Medicine (yeah, the one that had a somewhat relationship with House) Cuddy.  With major characters gone and a show that is dwindling in material, I must admit that the show is not the same as it used to be.  The plots are not as interesting and I'm just not as invested in them as I used to be.  Yes, I still love the cast and the writing, and I will never get tired of the House-Wilson relationship... but let's get real, this show should probably end.

When I found out about the discussion that the show might end this season I was initially sad. This show has been going strong for so long, why must it end? But after some evaluation, I think some shows just need to end. House went for a long and successful run, but it's time for it to end.  Hugh Laurie is a very talented actor, the writers are absolutely amazing, and frankly David Shore the creator all  can go on and making more amazing work that audiences across the world will continue to enjoy and be entertained.

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