Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Weekly Wonders: How I Met Your Mother

During my Christmas break I began to watch a show called How I Met Your Mother. This show is one of those comedies that everyone loves, whether you're a comedy nerd like me, or just like to sit down, watch some TV, and laugh.  It's similar to shows like the Big Bang Theory in that you don't really need to see other episodes to get what's going on. Not saying you can totally jump in anywhere and understand exactly what is going on though because there are certain sections of the plot that are accumulative throughout the episodes and even seasons. Either way, it's a very good show and one that I am currently getting very addicted to. Here are three reasons why you should watch it.

1. I love every single character and you will too.  It's based around five young adults; Ted, Barney, Marshall, Lily, and Robin, who are all unique, funny and very interesting. I know I say that for pretty much every show I ever talk about, but it's totally true.  You absolutely, one hundred percent, fall in love with these characters. Whether it's Barney with his perpetual promiscuity or Lily and Marshall cute and loving relationship, you never ever get tired of them.

2. Every episode is different. It's not the same thing over and over again like solving a crime or curing an illness. HIMYM (yeah, pretty great acronym) always has some new comical story. Whether it's searching for a loved one with the same Halloween costume every year or the "pineapple incident" in which Ted wakes up from a crazy night not knowing where the pineapple in the room was from, this show is always creative in bringing new stories.

3. Lastly, every season is currently on Netflix.  That's six seasons of amazing television... free! That is, if you have Netflix.  If not, that really stinks, you should totally get it.

There you have it, three legit reasons why How I Met Your Mother is amazing and more importantly why you should watch it.   

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