Sunday, October 16, 2011

Breaking Bad?

If you know anything about modern television, you know Breaking Bad is good.  People are constantly talking about it! It's won numerous awards, and apparently has a good reputation for having really awesome season finales.  Despite all the hype, I have yet to get into the show.  Don't get me wrong, I would love to start watching it.  I mean, I am blogging about television, I should be able to talk about the current famous TV shows.  It's simply a question to myself of "do I really want to get addicted to another show?" I mean do you realize how much television I already watch?  Too much.  Honestly, for the amount of homework/volunteering/extra-curricular activities I do.... okay maybe not so much the last one but definetly the first two!  So maybe I center my life a little too much around, but it's okay because I have a blog about it, therefore it justifies my addiction.

So if you have never heard about Breaking Bad, which is pretty sad if you haven't and you should probably start slacking off a bit more and get involved with pop culture. Anyway, Breaking Bad, though I have only seen the pilot and small snippets of other episodes, is about a high school chemistry teacher who basically quits his job to start a meth lab.  This is after his diagnosis of cancer which apparently caused him to make this huge lifestyle change.  I can't really say much more than that, not because I don't want to spoil something from the plot, but because I literally don't know anymore about the show.

Reason number one of why I'm hesitant to watch the show:
Basically what I've already said. I have too much on my plate. Once I start a show, I have this sickening obligation to finish, and finish it fast. I have to keep watching. I have to see how it ends.  I just keep watching, and watching, and...

Reason number two:
I watched the pilot with my parents. Can I get an "awwwkward..."?  First of all there is a lot of swearing, which honestly doesn't even bother me, that's not even the bad part. No, the real culprit for the uncomfortableness was the sex.  I think I can just leave it at that because that is the most awkward thing to watch with your parents.  Just picture a Sunday night with my mom and dad. We're all snuggled up in the living room and we decide "hey, let's watch this show that is on Netflix instantly!"  As we watch suddenly the "scene" comes on and I immediately try to pretend I'm doing something else. Anything else.  I began spontaneously typing on my computer.  I try to make them think I don't notice what's going on, or that maybe I don't understand? No, they know I understand and that I'm fully aware of what is going on.  There is a long silence that seems to last forever.  When the scene was over we all sighed a breath of relief.  Metaphorically speaking. I think that would just make it a lot more awkward if we all just went "ahhh" after it ended. So let's just say this almost completely ruined the show for me.  It's kind of like it you ate a large number meatballs and then puked them back up.  Are you still going to be a fan of meatballs? Probably not.

Reason number three:
I haven't really figured out exactly why people like this show.  There are the obvious elements. The great acting. The great writing. Etc. etc.  But as I watched, nothing about it really grabbed me.  I didn't not have the sudden urge to watch the whole season after viewing the pilot. But it did make it curious. It might be set for a different kind of audience, I mean maybe I'm not mature enough to understand? What ever the reason is, because I'm so new to the show, and so many people are obsessed with it, I'm pretty sure I can already say that it's going to be good if I do start watching.

It may be a little strange, or quite frankly a little sad that I can write a blog solely on my contemplations of whether I should begin watching a show. That's high school in a nut shell. Trying decide if I can get my homework done if I join one more AP class, or if I will stress myself out too much if I start another extra-curricular activity.  The sad thing is there is a very likely possibility that I will start watching Breaking Bad.  Whether it's next summer, or maybe even during one of our breaks, there's definetly a chance that I will add it to my list of TV addictions.

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