Sunday, October 2, 2011

Premiere Week #2

Another fantastic week of television premieres! Of course last week was the big week, so there wasn't quite as many new shows out.  Some good reoccurring shows that began their seasons this week include: The Amazing Race, The Good Wife, Mike & Molly, and Happy Endings.  The shows that premiered their pilots this week include: Terra Nova, Hart of Dixie, Suburgatory, and How to be a Gentleman

This week I watched the pilot of New Girl which actually premiered last week.  There are some shows that you see commercials for and you are just like "I know that's going to do bad." New Girl was not one of them.  I actually had high hopes for this show. One, because I actually really like Zooey Deschanel. She's quirky but also pretty good actress. And two, because the commercial made my dad laugh. Now, I know this is kind of an unconventional way to determine whether I will like a show or not, but the fact that my dad laughed at something, let alone a commercial, really surprised me as we were sitting one night watching TV.  As for the Zooey haters who say she's annoying, you're right she is.  But annoying in a cute, funny, and creative way.  I mean, if you saw the pilot, you can't say that you didn't smile at her naked pillow dancing, her awkward conversations with her roommates, or her loud and obnoxious singing. 

So what do I think of New Girl?  I think it has potential.  Honestly the pilot didn't completely make me love the show, but it definetly interested me to see more.  The show did have some awkward moments that seemed like it was almost trying too much.  But that's almost expected.  The show also had some really funny moments, like when Jess, (the "new girl" Zooey plays) gets stood up by her date so her roommates come to the rescue.  When they arrive at the restraunt the waitress questions them asking why Jess has so many dates and one of her roommates responds with "we're reversed Mormons." 

If you're interested in watching New Girl, check it out on Tuesday at 8:30 on FOX.

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