Sunday, October 9, 2011

Premiere Week #3

I'm sorry to break the news, but sadly premiere weeks are almost over.  Most shows have already started off their exciting seasons.  This week only had a few premieres of note, Dexter and House.  And the shows that began their first seasons include American Horror Story, The League, and Homeland.  I'm actually really interested in seeing pilot of The League, but I think I will post a review of that in a week or two because it hasn't been put on Hulu yet.

Before I talk about the pilot I watched this week, I just wanted to mention how "out" of the TV world I felt this week(Can you imagine?).  I walked downstairs to where my dad was watching a show, and I looked up and saw it was my all time favorites, House.  I stopped for a moment to see what episode he was watching, hoping maybe I could ruin the ending for him or something.  To my astonishment I realized I hadn't seen that episode, and it was in fact the first episode of the season.  To my discontent I realized I had already missed half of it, and even if I had remembered, I had too much homework to watch anyway.  So I have still yet to see the exciting premiere, where House is supposedly in jail, but I'm sure I will be visiting Hulu very soon to check it out.

So I know I already talked about a pilot this week, but just so I could make another post about premieres, I watched another one. This week I watched Up All Night which actually came out with it's pilot almost a month ago. If you're wondering, yes I'm pretty behind on watching television.  But it's okay, because that's what internet is for!  Anyway, Up All Night stars the great comedians Will Arnett, Christina Applegate, and Maya Rudolph.  Arnett is probably most famous from playing Gob on Arrested Development, and if you were wondering, he's also married to Amy Poehler who I love (if you haven't guessed from my previous posts about Parks and Rec.) Maya Rudolph is best known for acting on Saturday Night Live.  She also starred in the very funny movie Bridesmaids which came out this summer.  I'm a really big fan of both of these actors, so as you can see, I was really hoping this show would do well. But as most shows coming out these days do, it disappointed me.  Rudolph, who had definite potential to be the star of the show, seems to have more of a role that feels like an after thought.  As if the writers sat down with the idea of "let's make a show about all the stereotypical events that happen when you have a baby, and let comedy go from there" and then later realized that "oh, maybe we should show the mom going to work?" That's when they decide to add Rudolph in as the crazy boss that just adds to the chaos of the family's life.

But after saying that I feel somewhat guilty. I mean this show could be great! The pilot didn't really do much for me.  But there's definetly room for growth.  It has a lot of room to change a and adjust to become something many people watch.  When watching it, it did make me laugh.  The writers are good, they have Lorne Michaels producing it, what more could they ask for?  In all, I really hope this show does well but I have a feeling it won't be received very well, at least in the first season, like Parks and Rec. did.  But look where that is now. I guess we'll just have to see.

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