Sunday, December 11, 2011

Political Ad Season

Ah television. The repetitive, monotonous, aggravatingly annoying way for political campaigns to slap us in the face with vicious comments directed at other political campaigns.  Why? This whole "He did this, he said that" thing dates back to elections in the 1800's! That's right, it was called mudslinging and was used as a tactic to make the other candidate look bad.  In those times the parties were federalists and democratic-republicans, but the idea was the same.  It was a way to advance in the polls. After the Civil War, it continued with the phrase "waving the bloody shirt" which was a tactic used by republicans make the democrats look bad by bringing up how they caused the Civil War and how horrible that was.

And now today, the never ending commercials that parade our television screens. It just makes me want to scream! Why ruin something so wonderful with your vile comments about the other candidates? Oh that right. It's because you can't win any other way.  But it something ALL candidates do.  So it's not like I can just vote for the one that doesn't do it.  Well, I can't vote anyway, but you get the idea.

These ads are so cutthroat. Like in this one, the clip of Obama was taken completely out of a context. He was actually saying what shouldn't happen at the end when he says something about "if we keep talking about the economy we'll lose". But here it is...

With these horrible ads comes a price.  We get to make fun of them. Whether it's SNL, or just sitting around a fire watching the GOP debate with my family and laughing at their awkward responses, those commercials justifies it.  You're going to annoy me constantly with your dramatic music set to you fake smiling and shaking hands with strangers? Fine. But I WILL make fun of you.  Not in person obviously, I'll probably never meet you.

So, watch out GOP candidates.  No one likes your commercials. You will get made fun of.  That's life when you publicly run for an office, especially for president of the United States.

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