Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lawsuit, Like a Boss

Back in the day, when YouTube was just arising, and internet was becoming a new place to express yourself, a group of three college kids emerged.  As they studied in college, they made small videos that they posted online. Little did they know this phenomenon of getting famous through the internet would surely enable them to thrive in the entertainment business.

Most people do not know too much about this group, but instead know the names of some of their famous videos including "I'm On a Boat" and others that aren't very suitable for a blog for school.  Are you starting to recall who I'm talking about? Yes, it's the Lonely Island. This group is made up of Andy Samberg, Akiva Shaeffer, and Jorma Taccone.  They all work at Saturday Night Live, mainly working on their famous "Digital Shorts." Andy is also an actor on the show, and is arguably the most famous of the three.

They also make a lot of music/music videos on the show.  And put out two albums, "Incredibad" and "Turtleneck and Chain", that include many of these songs.  I love these albums, and I listen to them all the time.  Recently when I heard that they were being sued, it shocked me enough that I decided to blog about it.  Apparently some people that make beats for song said that the group used some in their songs such as "Like a Boss" and "Shy Ronnie" without giving credit.  But the story makes it sound as if it wasn't even their fault. The article I read on explained that these beat makers made some sort of deal that they signed but never got any money from it.  I don't know what other people think of this, but to me that sounds pretty shady. I may be a bit biased because of love them so much, but it seems as if The Lonely Island just got caught up in a misunderstanding of some kind.  Okay, so they did have something to gain from this misunderstanding, but they just don't seem like the type to be ripping people off.

I found out about this news a couple weeks ago, and was going to blog about it then. But I then found out that  I didn't have to blog for the next two weeks. So here I am, bringing up old news. Instead of discussing more in depth about this somewhat of a scandal that really didn't turn up to be anything to serious, I will talk about The Lonely Island a bit more and why exactly I like them so much. I know this is a blog about television, and this trio is more involved with music and the internet, but because Saturday Night Live is such a big part of how they get their work out to their audience, I think it is fitting. More about the group is continued in the next post.

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