Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why TV? Why Now?

Why do I love television so much? This is a question I think everyone who watches TV as much as I do should contemplate. What is driving force behind this obsession? The honest answer is, I really don't know. I think their are a lot of factors that play into it. The three main ones that I'd like to discuss might be obvious to some, but it's interesting to reflect on why I waste so much time on this. These categories include entertainment, interest, and analysis. Sound nerdy yet? Oh you just wait...

Entertainment. The obvious factor into why most people in the world watch television. Whether it's a trashy reality show, cough Jersey Shore cough, or an intense thriller like Dexter, television is so entertaining. But why? Why is it that we as humans can spend hours on end sitting with our jaws agape at the wonders that TV brings us? Well, let me first ask you why does comedy entertain us? It makes us laugh. Why does exciting thrillers entertain us? It excites our minds, makes the adrenaline pump. Why do dramas entertain us? We can emotionally connect with the characters.  There are so many factors into one show. With all of this in mind, plus add in a plot, actors, music, scenery, editing, and viola! You have a show that interests millions around the world.  How do reality shows factor in? That confuses me too. Is it the fact that we can root for some, and laugh at others? I think so. Want me to get deeper? Too bad.

Next we have interest. Similar to entertainment, but more centered on an interest in the programming, not just to sit and watch like a mindless drone.  This is just my perspective, but I think we get interested in shows because we can picture ourselves in that different life. It's as if we can get out of our own heads, our own lives, for a few hours and watch someone else's.  I mean, why else would we care so much? We wouldn't. When the main character is amidst some sort of conflict we care. Do we want them to get fired from their job, get divorced, or fight with their kids? No, because we see ourselves in that situation, and we don't want these things to happen to us.

Lastly is that factor of analysis. Obviously something that used less in some, and more on others.  But the general idea of this is much farther on the spectrum of dedicated television watching.  Our culture is not just about watching something, it's also about judging it. Why do you think there are so many different critics and ratings out there.  We feed off of others feedback, and reflect on our own.  Television is a great way to express this. It's something that a lot of people watch, and so it's easy to analyze and discuss.  Though this could fall under the category of interest, due to the fact that your interest drives you to the point of analyzing it, I think it can still be considered separate. There are times when someone tells you to watch favorite show of theirs. Do watch it because you're interested? Maybe. But you also want to judge for yourself.  Make your own decisions. And if you like it as well, then you start to watch based more in interest and entertainment.

In conclusion, television is one of the few things that all over the world people are interested in for very similar reasons. Due to genuine intrigue, plus the factors of amusement and the need for analysis in society, television can reach so many people and connect in ways that other forms of technology and entertainment cannot.

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